Python invirtualenv module code documentation

Python module support functions for the invirtualenv scripts

InVirtualEnv Python Virtualenv Installer Module

Configuration Manipulation

Functions for handling the configuration settings

invirtualenv.config.cast_types(configuration, types_dict=None)

Update in place the configuration dictionary with inferred values if they aren’t specified.

  • configuration (dict) –
  • config_types (dict, optional) – Types dictionary, defaults to value from config_types()
invirtualenv.config.generate_parsed_config_file(source=None, dest=None)

Generate a conf file with the environment variables expanded

  • source (str, optional) – The path to the source file
  • dest (str, optional) – The path to the desired destination file

Path to the generated config file

Return type:



Parse a configuration file

Parameters:configuration (str or list, optional) – A configuration file or list of configuration files to parse, defaults to the deploy_default.conf file in the package and deploy.conf in the current working directory.
Returns:The parsed configuration
Return type:configparser
invirtualenv.config.get_configuration_dict(configuration=None, value_types=None)

Parse the configuration files

  • configuration (str or list, optional) – A configuration file or list of configuration files to parse, defaults to the deploy_default.conf file in the package and deploy.conf in the current working directory.
  • value_types (dict, optional) – Dictionary containing classes to apply to specific items

Configuration dictionary

Return type:



Parse the command line arguments

Parameters:configuration (list, optional) – A list of config files to parse, defaults to the packaged deploy_default.conf and the deploy.conf file in the current directory.
Returns:With the configuration based on the passed command line arguments and defaults from the deploy_default.conf file in the package.
Return type:argparse namespace object


Module to create/deploy a virtualenv

invirtualenv.deploy.build_deploy_virtualenv(arguments=None, configuration=None, update_existing=True, verbose=None)

Build and deploy a python virtualenv

  • arguments (argparse namespace, optional) – An argparse namespace with all of the required command line arguments defaults to parsing the command line arguments if not provided.
  • configuration (str or list, optional) – A configuration file or list of configuration files to parse, defaults to the deploy_default.conf file in the package and deploy.conf in the current working directory.
  • update_existing (bool) – If True, allow updating an existing virtualenv, Otherwise generate an exception. Default=True
  • verbose (bool) – If True, provides status output while running.
  • AlreadyExists – The virtualenv already exists
  • BuildError – The specified package manifest cannot be deployed to the virtualenv
  • InsufficientPermissions – The current user lacks permissions to complete the specified operation
  • NoPackageVersions – A virtualenv_version_package was specified in the configuration but no versions for that package where found on artifactory.

Gets files that where deployed to the bin directory of the virtualenv.

Parameters:venv (str) – Path the to virtualenv to do this bin_file links for
Returns:Key = filename Value = sha256 hash
Return type:dict
invirtualenv.deploy.fix_file_ownership(virtualenv, user, group)

Fix the file ownership of a virtualenv

  • virtualenv (str) – Virtualenv path
  • user (str) – User to change to
  • group (str) – Group to change to

:param : :type : return:

invirtualenv.deploy.install_python_dependencies(virtualenv, deps=None, requirements=None, upgrade=False, verbose=False, pip_version=None, use_index=True, use_local_wheels=False)

Install python dependencies from a requirements file or deploy.conf manifest

  • virtualenv (str) – The virtualenv to install into
  • deps (list, optional) – A list of python packages to install
  • requirements (str, optional) – The requirements.txt file to install from
  • upgrade (bool, optional) – Tell pip to upgrade packages when installing, Default=False
  • verbose (bool, optional) – Display command output when running the dependency operations, Default=False
  • use_index (bool, optional) – Allow pip to use an external index Default=True
  • use_local_wheels (bool, optional) – Install from local wheels directory instead of pypi Default=False

BuildException - If package installation fails

invirtualenv.deploy.install_rpm_dependencies(deps=None, fail_missing=True)

Install rpm dependencies from deploy.conf manifest

  • deps (list, optional) – A list of rpm packages to install
  • fail_missing (bool, optional) – Generate an exception and fail if the “yum” command is not available. default = True

BuildException - If package installation fails

Link the deployed files from the venv bin directory into the destbin directory.

Writes a json list of the created links to conf/created_links.json in the virtualenv.

  • venv (str) – Path to the python virtualenv
  • destbin (str) – Destination directory when the links should be

Full path to files linked

Return type:


Undo/delete the symlinks created by link_deployed_bin_files()

Parameters:venv (str) – Path to the root of the virtualenv


Exceptions generated by the invirtualenv module

exception invirtualenv.exceptions.AlreadyExists

Package already Exists exception

exception invirtualenv.exceptions.BuildException

There was an error Building the VirtualEnv

exception invirtualenv.exceptions.CommandNotFound

The command specified wasn’t found

exception invirtualenv.exceptions.InsufficientPermissions

The current user has insufficient permissions to complete the specified operation.

exception invirtualenv.exceptions.InvirtualenvError

An invirtualenv error occurred.

exception invirtualenv.exceptions.NoPackageVersions

Query of the Python PyPi repo returned no packages with the specified name.

exception invirtualenv.exceptions.PackageConfigFailure

Unable to create a package configuration file

exception invirtualenv.exceptions.PackageGenerationFailure

Package generation failed

Package Manipulation

Functions for managing packaging


Install packages required to build python

Parameters:test (bool, optional) – Don’t run the actual command, if True

Get the latest version number for a package

Parameters:package (str) – Package to get the latest version of
Returns:Latest package version or an empty string if no versions are found
Return type:str

Get the package scripts directory

Returns str

The path to the directory containing the package scripts
invirtualenv.package.package_versions(package, pypi_url=None)

Get all versions of a package from pypi

  • package (str) – The python package to search for
  • pypi_url (str, optional) – The pypi URL to send the request to, defaults to the production pypi endpoint.

A list of all packages found on pypi. The list will be empty if there were no versions found.

Return type:


invirtualenv.package.strip_from_end(text, suffix)

Strip a substring from the end of a string

  • text (str) – The string to be evaluated
  • suffix (str) – The suffix or substring to remove from the end of the text string

A string with the substring removed if it was found at the end of the string.

Return type:



General utility functionality module

invirtualenv.utility.change_uid_gid(user_uid=None, user_gid=None)

preexec_fn to change the uid/gid when using subprocess

  • user_uid (int, optional) – The user UID to set to, does not set user uid if this is not passed
  • user_gid (int, optional) – The user GID to set to, does not set the gid if this is not passed
invirtualenv.utility.chown_recursive(path, uid, gid)

Change the ownership of all files and directories in path

  • path (str) – The root path to start changing the ownership at
  • uid, (int) – The uid to change the ownership to
  • gid, (int) – The gid to change the ownership to

Convert a comma separated string into a list

Parameters:value (str) – The string object to convert to a list
Returns:A list based on splitting the string on the ‘,’ character
Return type:list
invirtualenv.utility.display_header(text='', width=None, separator=None, outfile=None, collapse=False)

Display a textual header message. :param text: The text to print/display :type text: str :param width: The width (text wrap) of the header message.

This will be the current terminal width as determined by the ‘stty size’ shell command if not specified.
  • separator (str, optional) – The character or string to use as a horizontal separator. Will use ‘=’ if one is not specified.
  • outfile (File, optional) – The File object to print the header text to. This will use sys.stdout if not specified.

:param : :type : return:


Get the terminal rows and columns if we are running on an interactive terminal. :returns: * rows (int) – The number of rows on the current terminal.

  • columns (int) – The number of columns on the current terminal.

Substitute values with environment variables in a string

Parameters:value (str) – The string object to be formatted and converted into a list
Returns:With env variable values substituded
Return type:str

Convert a string too a bool object

Parameters:value (str) – The string object to convert to a bool. The following case insensitive strings evaluate to True [‘true’, 1’, ‘up’, ‘on’]
Returns:Boolean based on the string
Return type:bool

Convert a newline terminated string of key=value into a dictionary.

Parameters:value (str) – The string object to convert to a dictionary
Returns:Dictionary based on the string
Return type:dict

Convert a newline terminated string into a list. Any empty lines will be removed from the result list.

Parameters:value (str) – The string object to convert to a list
Returns:List based on the string
Return type:list
invirtualenv.utility.update_recursive(basedict, updatedict)

Recursively run update on a dictionary

  • basedict (dict) – First dictionary, which will contain the updated result
  • updatedict (dict) – Second dictionary that will be be updated to basedict, conflicts will be replaced with the values from this dictionary.

basedict updated to contain the values from updatedict

Return type:


invirtualenv.utility.update_recursive_generator(basedict, updatedict)

Recursively run update on a dictionary

  • basedict (dict) – First dictionary, which will contain the updated result
  • updatedict (dict) – Second dictionary that will be be updated to basedict, conflicts will be replaced with the values from this dictionary.

basedict updated to contain the values from updatedict

Return type:



Function searches the path for the command executable

Parameters:command (str) –
Returns:Path to the command
Return type:str
Raises:CommandNotFound: – Command was not found

Static Standalone Binary Creation

Virtualenv Management

Functions for creating and managing python virtual environments

invirtualenv.virtualenv.build_virtualenv(name, directory, python_interpreter=None, user=None, verbose=False)

Build a virtualenv in a directory

  • name (str) – Name of the virtualenv to create
  • directory (str) – Directory to create the virtualenv in
  • python_interpreter (str, optional) – Python interpreter to provide in the virtualenv, defaults to the interpreter that is running the virtualenv command
  • verbose (bool) – If True, provides status output while running.

Full path to the root of the virtualenv directory

Return type:



BuildException – The Virtualenv build failed


Get the default virtualenv directory for the current system/platform

Returns:The path to the default virtualenv directory
Return type:str
invirtualenv.virtualenv.install_requirements(requirements, virtualenv, user=None, upgrade=False, verbose=False, pip_version=None, use_index=True, use_local_wheels=False)

Open one or more requirements files and run pip -r to install them

  • requirements (str) – Filename containing requirements
  • virtualenv (str) – Full path to the virtualenv to install into
  • user (str, optional) – The user:group to run the install as
  • upgrade (bool) – If True, tell pip to upgrade when running the install. Default=False
  • verbose (bool) – If True, provides status output while running.
  • pip_version (str, optional) – Install the requirements with the specified version of pip
  • use_index (bool, optional) – Allow pip to use an external index Default=True
  • use_local_wheels (bool, optional) – Install wheels from local directory Default=False
invirtualenv.virtualenv.remove_virtualenv(name, directory=None)

Remove a virtualenv from a directory :param name: :param directory: :return:

invirtualenv.virtualenv.upgrade_package_tools(virtualenv_directory, verbose=False)

Upgrade the packages used to install/build packages in the virtualenv :param virtualenv_directory: The directory that contains the virtualenv :type virtualenv_directory: str


Calculate a hash of all files in the virtualenv bin directory :param virtualenv_dir: The root directory of the virtualenv to operate on :type virtualenv_dir: str

Returns:Key = Filename, value = hash
Return type:dict

Return the virtualenv command

Parameters:install_virtualenv (bool) – If True, Install virtualenv if necessary. default=False
Returns:Path to the virtualenv command
Return type:str