
Invirtualenv command line utilities.


The invirtualenv command line tool is used to perform invirtualenv operations. This script is meant to replace the create_package and deploy_virtualenv scripts that are still provided for backwards compatibility.

invirtualenv usage

The invirtualenv command takes a number of subcommands used to specify the invirtualenv function to perform:

usage: invirtualenv [-h] [--deploy_conf DEPLOY_CONF]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --deploy_conf DEPLOY_CONF
                        Deploy configuration filename or url (default:

    list_plugins        List the installed invirtualenv plugins
                        Generate the packaging configuration file
    create_package      Generate a package from a deployment configuration
    get_setting         Get a setting value from the configuration


This script will create a new python virtual environment based on a deploy.conf - Deployment configuration file or requirements.txt file. The script will default to looking for a deploy.conf - Deployment configuration file file in the current directory for it’s configuration settings.


The deploy_virtualenv script has the following usage:

usage: deploy_virtualenv [-h] [--python PYTHON] [--requirement REQUIREMENT]
                         [--virtualenvdir VIRTUALENVDIR]
                         [--virtualenvuser VIRTUALENVUSER]
                         [--virtualenvgroup VIRTUALENVGROUP]
                         [--virtualenvversion_package VIRTUALENVVERSION_PACKAGE]
                         [--install_os_packages INSTALL_OS_PACKAGES]

Deploy a python application into a virtualenv

positional arguments:
  name                  VirtualEnv name (default: public_mirror)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --python PYTHON, -p PYTHON
                        The Python interpreter to use, e.g.,
                        --python=python3.5 will use the python3.5 interpreter
                        to create the new environment. The default is the
                        interpreter that virtualenv was installed with.
                        (default: python2.7)
                        Install from the given requirements file. This option
                        can be used multiple times. (default: [])
  --virtualenvdir VIRTUALENVDIR
                        Directory to build the virtualenv (default:
  --virtualenvuser VIRTUALENVUSER
                        The user to create the virtualenv (default: dhubbard)
  --virtualenvgroup VIRTUALENVGROUP
                        The group to create the virtualenv (default: )
  --virtualenvversion_package VIRTUALENVVERSION_PACKAGE
                        Version the virtualenv based on the version of a
                        package (default: public_mirror)
  --install_os_packages INSTALL_OS_PACKAGES
                        Install OS packages (default: False)


Deploying using deploy.conf

The following example uses a deploy.conf - Deployment configuration file file to do the following:

  • Creates a new python virtualenv with the following characteristics:
    • It is created in the /var/tmp/virtualenv directory
    • Uses a python2.7 python interpreter
    • It has a base name of public_mirror
    • It has a version appended to the name based on the latest version of the public_mirror package in the python repo
    • The virtualenv is owned by unix user pypimirror

The example uses the following deploy.conf - Deployment configuration file file:

; Global settings
; The name of the virtualenv to create
name = public_mirror

; The python interpreter to use for the virtualenv
; this will default to the python interpreter running the virtualenv
; command if it is not specified.
basepython = python2.7

; Base directory to create virtualenv in
virtualenv_dir = /var/tmp/virtualenv

; Use the version of a python package to determine the version component
; of the virtualenv.
; If no versions is found or specified the virtualenv will not have a
; version component in the name.
virtualenv_version_package = public_mirror

; The user that should own the virtualenv.
virtualenv_user = pypimirror

; When package manifest(s) to install into the virtualenv
; If none are specified all manifest will be deployed.
; Note:
;     It is generally a bad idea to use a deb and rpm manifest together.
install_manifest = pip, rpm

; PIP package settings
; deps contains a list of python packages to install.
; It is recommended this be a concrete list such as what is returned
; using the 'pip freeze' command.
; Each line must be indented.

; rpm package settings

The resulting output from running the deploy_virtualenv command in the same directory as the deploy.conf - Deployment configuration file is:

# deploy_virtualenv

Parsing the configuration

Getting version based on package 'public_mirror' from the repo
Using version: 0.0.13

Installing rpm packages

Building virtualenv
You are using pip version 7.1.2, however version 8.0.2 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
New python executable in /var/tmp/virtualenv/public_mirror_0.0.13/bin/python2.7
Also creating executable in /var/tmp/virtualenv/public_mirror_0.0.13/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
Creating /var/tmp/virtualenv/public_mirror_0.0.13/conf directory
Creating /var/tmp/virtualenv/public_mirror_0.0.13/logs directory

Installing python package dependencies
Installing requirements from requirements file: /tmp/tmphBEO0g into virtualenv /var/tmp/virtualenv/public_mirror_0.0.13 as user None
Current user is: root
Current uid: 0, Effective uid: 0

Fixing file ownership

This is the virtualenv that got created by the last command:

# ls -lh /var/tmp/virtualenv/
total 0
drwxrwxr-x 1 pypimirror pypimirror 88 Feb 19 00:38 public_mirror_0.0.13
[root@6b7d38db3855 dhubbard]#

Creating a virtualenv using CLI arguments

The following example creates a new python virtualenv with the following characteristics:

  • It is created in the /tmp directory
  • It has a base name of invirtualenv
  • It has a version appended to the virtualenv based on the latest version of the invirtualenv python package (1.1.62)
  • The virtualenv is owned by the unix user dhubbard

The following requirements.txt file is used:


This is what this example looks like:

airreport-lm:invirtualenv dhubbard$ --virtualenvdir /tmp --virtualenvversion_package invirtualenv --virtualenvuser dhubbard -r requirements.txt invirtualenv
Building virtualenv
You are using pip version 7.0.3, however version 8.0.2 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Using real prefix '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7'
New python executable in invirtualenv_1.1.62/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
Creating /tmp/invirtualenv_1.1.62/conf directory
Creating /tmp/invirtualenv_1.1.62/logs directory

Installing python package dependencies
Installing requirements from requirements file: ['requirements.txt'] into virtualenv /tmp/invirtualenv_1.1.62 as user None
Current user is: dhubbard
Current uid: 58157, Effective uid: 58157
The directory '~/.cache' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and caching wheels has been disabled. check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.

Fixing file ownership

The resulting virtualenv directory has been created, owned by the specified user:

drwxrwxr-x  10 dhubbard  wheel  340 Feb 11 14:58 /tmp/invirtualenv_1.1.62


The create_package script creates packages of various types that contain the python application deployed within a virtualenv.


The create_package script has the following usage:

usage: create_package [-h] [--package_type {rpm, tar}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --package_type {rpm}
                        Type of package to create